For the do-it yourself home builder. We’ve built our reputation on the quality of our products, our flexibility with custom cut specialty orders and the added value we create through mill direct pricing and excellent customer service.
Are you looking for live edge or other unique features? Lumber sizes you can’t find in the hardware store?
Let us know what project you’re working on and we’ll be happy to assist you with the finding the best product to suit your needs.
Some of the projects our customers have used our lumber for:
- gazebos
- fencing
- timber accents
- decks
- patios

Are you looking for building materials to carry out your contracts?
Let us know what project you’re working on and what your needs are and we’ll be happy to assist you with the finding the best product for your purpose.
Some of the projects our commercial customers have used our lumber for:
- Feature timber entries
- Garages
- Farm out buildings and fencing
- Timber frame packages cut to order

Woodco produces full sawn, rough green timber and lumber products and follows NLGA grading standards. Woodco is also a member of the Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau whom oversees grading standards, provides grader training and certification and issues grade stamp marks.
Select a product below to view more details about each product line: